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Malü Pet Care

Privacy Policy

Malü Pet Care understands the responsibility of data processing and for that reason we work to protect your information and give you control over it.


Unicórnio Flamejante, Lda., with headquarters at Tv. Santa Marta, nº1 Ap. 3 1150-300 Lisbon, with legal person identification number 516 880 748 (the “Company”) guarantees users of the website (the “Users”) (the “Site”)  respect for your privacy.

Visiting this Website, in itself, does not automatically imply the recording of any personal data that identifies the User. However, the use of certain content or services may involve the provision of personal data by Users.

This privacy policy is an integral part of the general terms and conditions of use of the Website and regulates the collection and processing of personal data provided by Users, as well as the exercise of their rights in relation to this data, in accordance with current legislation.

If you have any questions regarding our privacy practices and this privacy policy, you should send an email to


The Company is the entity responsible for collecting and processing Users’ personal data.

The personal data collected will be processed and stored electronically by the Company and are intended to provide important information about the services that the User has subscribed to, respond to their requests for booking services, as well as their comments, requests for clarification or contact and suggestions.

Additionally, with the User's consent, the Company may send commercial information about its products and services, as well as the products and services of its partners.

The Company may hire other companies to provide services on the Company's behalf, such as, for example, hosting the Site, email, responding to user questions about the services, sending information about new services and products, special offers. Only the personal data necessary to provide the service in question is provided to these companies. Companies are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of information and are prohibited from using the information for other purposes, acting as subcontractors of the Company.

A Sociedade poderá ainda comunicar os dados pessoais dos seus Utilizadores quando a transmissão seja efectuada no âmbito do cumprimento de uma obrigação legal, de uma deliberação da Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados Pessoais ou de uma ordem judicial, ou sempre que a comunicação seja levada a cabo para proteger interesses vitais dos Utilizadores ou qualquer outra finalidade legítima prevista na lei.

The Company assumes that the data collected was entered by the respective holder or that its insertion was authorized by the same, being true and accurate.


In compliance with the provisions of Law No. 67/98, of October 26th (Personal Data Protection Law), the User may, at any time, exercise the rights of access, rectification and cancellation of their data, as well as as well as the right to object to their treatment, by means of a written request addressed to the Company at the following address: Travessa Santa Marta, nº1 Ap. 3.


To provide a better service to the User, the Site may use “cookies”.

“Cookies” are data files that a website sends to the user’s computer while the user visits that website. These data files include information that allows you to store important data that will make your browsing more efficient and useful.

The User has, at any time, the possibility of not accepting “cookies”, being able to configure their computer so that they are notified whenever a “cookie” is being sent or deactivate all “cookies” through their browser. The User should check the “HELP” menu of their browser to find out the best way to change or update their “cookies”.


By responding to surveys or signing up for offers or promotions, the User may provide the Company with information about their preferences regarding products and services, reasons for purchasing a product and information about their lifestyle. This helps the Company to know more about Users' preferences and thus be able to better adapt to their tastes and preferences.

The Company reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice and with immediate effect, to change, add or revoke, partially or completely, this privacy policy. Any changes will be immediately published on Site.DE