Terms and conditions
These general terms and conditions of use (the “Terms and Conditions”) regulate the use of the website www.malupetcare.pt (the “Site“) and legal use permitted for this Site and all its content, property of Unicórnio Flamejante, LDA., with headquarters at Tv. Santa Marta, nº1 Ap. 3, 1150-300 Lisbon, with the legal person identification number 516880748 (the “Society”).
The Site and its content were created and will be governed in accordance with Portuguese law.
If the user (the “User“) does not accept, in whole or in part, the terms and conditions set out below, he or she must immediately stop browsing the Site.
The mere use of the Site, as well as the request for any information or order through it, implies full acceptance of these conditions.
Malü ® reaffirms its commitment to protecting the data of its customers and visitors to this site in compliance with the provisions of the general data protection regulation (GDPR – Regulation [EU] 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016), on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
The User undertakes to make diligent, correct and lawful use of the Website, as well as to refrain from suppressing, eluding or manipulating the copyright and other data identifying the rights of holders incorporated into the contents of the Website, as well as the devices protection technicians, or any information mechanisms that may contain these contents.
The contents of the Site, including, without limitation, brands, designs, texts, images and audio and video materials, are the property of the Company or used by it with the authorization of the respective owners.
The User undertakes to fully respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of the contents of the Site, in particular by refraining from carrying out any acts that may violate the law or said rights, such as reproduction , commercialization, transmission or making available of said content without the prior and express written consent of the Company.
The Site may contain hypertext links, also known as “hyperlinks” or “links”, to other websites.
The Company is not responsible for the quality, veracity and/or availability of the information provided on the websites to which the aforementioned hypertext links are directed, nor does it exercise any control over the contents, products and/or services offered through them.
Although the Company is convinced that the information provided on the Site is correct, this information is provided without guarantees of any kind, whether express or implied. The User acknowledges that use of the Site is at their own risk. The Company cannot guarantee or guarantee that the Website will not be interrupted or that its content is error-free, nor does it provide any guarantee as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Website or as to the accuracy and reliability of any information provided through it. The Company also does not assume any type of responsibility for losses and/or damages suffered caused by viruses that may affect the User's computer or any other equipment resulting from their access, use or download of content from the Website. If the User chooses to download content from the Site, they will do so at their sole risk and expense.
Using the Site does not necessarily imply the provision of personal data. However, any personal data collected by the Company through the Website will be treated in accordance with current legislation. For more details, see the “Privacy Policy” section of the Site.
To provide a better service to the User, the Site uses “cookies”. For more details, see the information available on this matter in the “Privacy Policy” of the Site.
These Terms and Conditions may be changed or updated at any time by the Company, whenever it deems it necessary or convenient, without prior notification to the User. The User will always have access to the conditions of use in force online. Subsequent access and use of the Website by the User will be considered an unequivocal sign that the User has read, accepted and understood the amended Terms and Conditions.
These Terms and Conditions are governed by Portuguese law.
For any disputes related to the Site and its use, the Portuguese courts are exclusively competent, with the parties agreeing that the competent courts, expressly renouncing any others, are the judicial courts of the district of Lisbon.
In accordance with the provisions of article 18 of Law no. 144/2015, 8 September, the Company informs Users who qualify, under the terms of the aforementioned legal diploma, as consumers, which they can consult on the website of the General Directorate do Consumidor (http://www.consumidor.pt) the complete list and the respective contacts of Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entities (“RAL Entities”) available in Portugal.
The provisions of the previous point do not constitute acceptance or binding by the Company to any arbitration agreement nor adherence to any of the RAL Entities indicated in the list above.
The Company also informs its Customers who qualify as consumers under the terms referred to above that, for the purposes set out in this clause, their email address is info@malupetcare.pt.
The invalidity, total or partial, of any provision of these Terms and Conditions will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which will remain in full force.
The non-exercise, or the late or partial exercise, of any right enjoyed by the Company under these Terms and Conditions does not imply the waiver of that right nor does it prevent its subsequent exercise.
If any User has any questions about these Terms and Conditions or any comments about the Site, they should contact the Company at the following address and/or email:
Unicórnio Flamejante, Lda.
Tv. Santa Marta, nº 1 Ap. 3 1150-300 Lisboa